Self-love very cliché, isn’t? but there is just one reason for this tedious refrain: more than 50% of the world population suffers from lack of self-esteem and you know why? This is simple! we have many wounds from our childhood. I do not want to criticize your family, because I’m sure your parents did the best they could with their knowledge, but the truth is that we grew up thinking we are not enough.

You can definitely notice that when it comes to choosing a partner. You either are with someone who keeps your spirits up and brings you good energy or are with someone who breaks your heart and feelings every time they have the chance.

Have you ever been into a relationship where your partner says what you can wear, where you can go and who you should spend your free time with? I’m glad if you have never experienced this before, but many of us have definitely done it! Get that this is wrong and you have the power in your hands.

If you like lace underwear, buy it without regretting it! if you fancy a pudding at midnight, have it without thinking that they will leave you because you are fat. We are all humans that were born complete and don’t need someone else’s approval.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t do things for our partners because relationships need to stay “on fire” to survive every day’s routine. What I’m trying to say is do things that you feel comfortable with and that are aligned with your soul. That’s key for long-term relationships! So, come on! be daring, be seductive and please their wishes, but only if its what you certainly want! Love instead of waiting to be loved.